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 Boxofit Gaming Studio? 
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Joined: Sat Feb 09, 2013 12:14 am
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I'm working on my C# skills, my modeling skills, and getting ready to follow along with a series of Unity tutorials. Hopefully, I'll get to the point to where I can make some pretty neat little games just on my own abilities with Blender and Unity -- but ultimately the goal would be to find and work with some great and skilled folks who can make larger and more advanced projects possible.

Here's a list of what I plan to be doing over the next few weeks:

Project 1:
Pretty much follow Unity's "Roll-a-ball" tutorial to the T, upload the results via webplayer to the site.

Project 2:
--Part A: Improve the "Roll-a-ball" game scripting so that various properties, such as the number of total points there are to collect within the level, are Public variables (meaning I can adjust them in the editor, per scene, instead of having to have different player scripts per scene).
--Part B: Create multiple scenes (levels) of the game with progressive difficulty, reset triggers (such as falling off the edge of a level), and ramps.
--Part C: Attempt to create, using multiple cameras, a GUI overlay which keeps score using custom graphics, displays a custom "Win" screen, and tracks lives (after having reset the scene 3x, for example, you lose the game).
--Part D: Multi-Publish the game to webplayer (using arrow keys for input), PC (same), and Android -- utilizing accelerometer data.

Project 3:
Brush up on my blender modeling abilities by following along with various tutorials designed to help me do the following:
--Part A: Learn the remaining short cut keys (such as the ability to select an entire loop of verticies).
--Part B: Follow along with character modeling tutorials so I can learn to quickly and easily make low-poly, ascetically pleasing game characters.
--Part C: Follow along with UV Wrapping / Texturing tutorials so I can learn how to properly lay images over my meshes in a way that makes sense and is not simply automatically generated.
--Part D: Follow along with character animation tutorials so I can create and save bone-based animations and rigs in methods that are easily used with unity.

Project 4:
Revisit the Roll-a-ball game with the intention of making it more graphically pleasing.
--Part A: Texture the ball to look like a rubber-band ball, and adjust necessary unity physics to make the ball bouncy.
--Part B: Replace the pickup cubes to be pencil cap erasers - rescript their rotation to spin them along the Global Y, while keeping them tilted slightly along their local X.
--Part C: Model and texture the game world to match the office supply theme by making the game board school desks (with carvings, pen marks, misc papers, graffiti, etc), clip boards, index cards, etc.

Project 5:
Complete ALL of the tutorials related to the "Stealth" tutorial project. http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/projects/stealth

Project 6:
Expand Stealth with new features, custom models, new weaponry, more namespace variables (to allow for an unlockable cheats menu, whereby players can make themselves invincible at the push of a button, make enemies blind, etc, etc).

Obviously, by the end of Project 6, I'll have expanded my game dev skills significantly, gained a fair familiarity with both Blender and Unity, and I should be ready to start making my own (simplestic) games.

If anyone wants to join me and follow along with these projects, that would be amazing: as the saying goes, two heads are better than one.

Now, it should go without say that these projects (particularly 4, 5, and 6) are going to be VERY time intensive. Fortunately for me, right now, time is the one thing I have an abundance of -- but if you should decide to follow along with these education goals, know that unless you can dedicate yourself to them, the results you get will likely not be as desirable as those resulting from dedicating a set amount of time each day, without distraction, to meeting these goals.

Wed Sep 18, 2013 3:20 pm
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Finished Project 1! Feel free to check it out: http://boxofit.com/games/Roll-A-Ball-V0/

It's super simplistic, but not bad for an hour's work (would be a lot less, but I'm following along with videos and learning the hard way how damn important spelling and capitalization are to C#).

It may not look like, since there's no texture on the ball in it's current form, but the ball isn't simply sliding from point to point - it actually rolls, which I thought was cool, given that the same feat in Blender proves rather cumbersome (at least for me).

Fri Sep 20, 2013 2:26 pm
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Good luck man! I've got C# skills, but I've not applied them to games.

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Sat Sep 21, 2013 5:08 pm
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Thus far I'm really liking C#'s syntax... Granted, I wish Mono Develop would let me know when I've failed to spell "Horizontal" correctly (Accidentally omitted a letter), and I kind of wish captilization wasn't such a huge deal, but it is what it is, I guess.

I like that I can repeated drill down to the property I want to modify, as opposed to having to bind that property to a new function and modify it that way: Country.State.City.Stree.House = "123 Elm Street" (as a purely ficticious example) works FAR better for me than having to do it like I did in BASIC (which, keeping with the inane example, would have basically been a matrix of every single street adress within the "country" property, since all object properties were top-level).

I'm also pretty thrilled that I can use ! to toggle a bool to it's opposite value.

Light.enable = !Light.enable (for example). Assign to a switch or button and DONE! No need for an if statement to check the current value and take the appropriate opposite reaction! That's like, TWO to FOUR completely nix'd lines of code, all replaced by "!"...

Granted, some of these things were probably in the other languages I've played with, but I was completely on my own for those... I was playing with Visual Basic 6 in 2001 (BEFORE YOUTUBE!!!!!).

Sat Sep 21, 2013 9:45 pm
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I'm about half way through my goals for Project 2: http://boxofit.com/games/Roll-A-Ball-V0.5/

I would be further along, but I'm presently in Jacksonville working on a government the BAMS project.

Hopefully before too long, I'll have a more pleasant GUI created, and allow the game to be controlled via joystick and accelerator. (Side note I've discovered: I need to improve my C# abilities to allow me to keep level progression stored to a separate script, which is called upon winning a game. This script also needs to be able to make a matrix of some kind wherein each level is assigned an numerical ID (as opposed to the game scene name) and scrolled through incrementally. My present script has written me into a corner in which I cannot move to a third scene.)

Tue Sep 24, 2013 1:49 pm
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